Consultant Zone
The consultants area

If you are looking for consultant for assistance to implement or maintain your management system, KRISHTECH can refer you few professional/consultants listed in our consultant Directory. This directory is helpful to find a consultants as per your requirements.
Please submit the below form. Our Team will contact you & will share the information of minimum 3 or more consultants to help you.
TERMS & CONDITIONS <Before submission of form, please read these terms & conditions>
I accept KRISHTECH INTERNATIONAL Terms & conditions.
I understand that my details will be passed on to a consultant listed in KRISHTECH Directory & that they may contact me directly.
I understand that KRISHTECH is bounded with certain regulations of accreditation & impartiality as per ISO 17021-1:2015 International standard & understand that :
KRISHTECH does not provide consultancy in order to remain impartial from management systems implementation.
KRISHTECH shall not imply that certification would be simpler, easier, faster or less expensive if a consultancy listed on the KRISHTECH Directory is used.
Reference of consultants from KRISHTECH Directory does not mean that KRISHTECH certification would be simpler, easier, faster or less expensive if the services of such consultants are used.